
Instagram and tag @thepedla your " #realman "…. idea to win one of 4 full Pedla / S14 kits to be announced each Friday until the end of November
#realmenshavetheirlegs #realmenwearlycra
#realwomen #realmen #realwomenwearlycra
#realmeneatbananas #realmendrinkcoconutwater
People often tell cyclists that we are freaks. Are we the freaks? The ones who slather goo on our butts at 5:30am before a pre-work ride? Who meticulously wax and shave our legs so that when (not if) we crash, the road-rash wounds will be easier to clean? Or who squeeze our bodies into skin-tight, coloured lycra uniforms in order to go out and inflict pain on ourselves?
Or maybe the freaks are the ones who have never experienced the exhilaration of cresting a mountain, like Ventoux on a sunny Autumnal day in Provence? Or the tingling sensation of new-forged steel coursing through their leg muscles? Or even the soulful pleasure of gently rolling down a country road with the wind in your back